Imagine Malden as a Destination

Urban Media Arts (UMA) is spearheading a Community Calendar Initiative in Malden in order to meet a longstanding need for a community-wide calendar that is up to date and comprehensive as part of one step toward presenting Malden as a destination.
The initiative will take place through a phased rollout (and testing) led by a team of key partners representing various sectors of Malden: education, business, arts & culture, sports-recreation, civics/government, gaming & entertainment, food/drink, and community. These partners will use, champion and give feedback about the tool and associated processes for a period of time. Then the tool will be publicly launched following a ribbon cutting and festive occasion at City Hall.
The idea is to encourage widespread use of the tool, honing and maximizing its features, while also building a coordinated and collaborative effort to share and manage Malden’s events and event resources. This kind of collaborative effort and disciplined practice of using one tool for all events, will ultimately achieve a more dynamic and prosperous Malden.
The calendar initiative will help us think about Malden as a tourist destination. Above is a mockup landing page that just gives you an idea of how we might be able attract visitors and organize Malden’s great features in an enticing way. The project of creating such a landing page is only an idea at this stage.
Anyone with a community-oriented event, not (garage sale) can submit an event. Search features make it easy to find events according to different categories, date, organizer, etc. Go to the site, click “Submit an Event”, fill in the fields and submit. The events will not be live immediately. It has to be reviewed and approved. UMA will review and approve new events every weekday morning except holidays.
Please share your feedback with us.
For further information and to discuss the tool or initiative, email Ose Schwab at
The calendar is set up for use now, and can be tweaked as needed. All are encouraged to use this and offer feedback as appropriate.
- Apply for a Malden Cultural Council grant to cover first year expenses. Notice will come in January.
- Design leadership team structure and how the tool will be used by the partners, stakeholders, and general public.
- Form partner team through meetings, discussions, and a demonstration of the tool and its benefits.
- Outreach key stakeholders: businesses, organizations, event organizers.
- Hone and streamline use of the tool and process, especially with input from key groups that generate many events and represent sectors of the community
- Regular meetings with Partner team
- All are welcome to use the tool.
- Work with partner team to organize outreach ccampaign to all of the Malden community, inviting them to a public and celebratory ribbon cutting at City Hall.
- Instagram Account for the calendar is created.
- This phase will kickoff with a public ribbon cutting event and gathering.
- Everyone will be encouraged to use the tool to submit and find events.
- The goal for this phase is: 1) to get everyone using the tool and service; 2) research and establish the longterm technology, operational, and fundiong options that will ensure sustainability of a Malden Community Calendar