Indigenous People’s Day 2022

Last year, President Biden made a proclamation for the nation to celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day and consider “the contributions that Indigenous peoples have made throughout history — in public service, entrepreneurship, scholarship, the arts, and countless other fields — are integral to our Nation, our culture, and our society.”
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim October 11, 2021, as Indigenous Peoples’ Day. I call upon the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities. I also direct that the flag of the United States be displayed on all public buildings on the appointed day in honor of our diverse history and the Indigenous peoples who contribute to shaping this Nation.
President Joseph R. Biden Jr, President of the United States of America
States still control how they celebrate the National Holiday (know previously as Columbus Day) that falls on the second Monday of October each year. Many cities now official celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day.
Massachusetts has not yet made this proclamation official. However, Indigenous Peoples Day MA, a coalition of organizations and individuals, is working to get Indigenous Peoples Day legislation passed in Massachusetts and to implement celebrations.
The Indigenous People’s Day MA coalition is a resource for nationwide developments and local happenings that honor Indigenous Peoples Day. It urges local groups or municipalities to email for input and advise on celebrations.
A list of local events in honor of Indigenous Peoples Day is provided in a document. And below…
Compiled by Indigenous Peoples Day MA and Italian Americans for Indigenous Peoples Day. Events will continue to be added as information becomes available. To include your event on this list, please email
All events are free unless otherwise noted.
October 1, 2-3:30 pm ARLINGTON, MA In-person event | The Art and Teachings of Deborah Spears Moorehead Moorehead, who is a direct descendant of Massasoit Ousamequin, will discuss her work as an artist and Culture Bearer of the Seaconke Pokanoket Wampanoag Nation. A selection of her art and books will be available for purchase.Robbins Library Community Room, 700 Mass. Ave., Arlington, MA 02476 Sponsored by the Cyrus Dallin Art Museum, Robbins Library, and the Arlington Human Rights Commission. Full event details here. |
October 6, 3-5 pm ASHFIELD, MA In-person event | Iroquois Traditional Dancers Featuring Champion Dancer Al George and Family The program will also include Eastern Woodland Traditional Dance demonstrations and songs. Performances will be followed by a discussion with Elder and Culture Keeper Al George on the importance of the land, Clan System, and maintaining Indigenous identity. Rsvp required as in-person attendance is limited. This event will be livestreamed.521 Main St., Ashfield, MA 01330 Sponsored by the Ohketeau Cultural Center and Bunker Hill Community College. Full event details here. |
October 7, 6-7:30 pm LITTLETON, MA In-person event | Nashoba Praying Indians: A Living People, A Living Landscape Littleton, with a part of Acton and Boxborough, was originally the Praying Indian Village of Nashobah. Join Strong Bear Medicine and local historian Daniel V. Boudillion as they discuss the Nashobah people, their journey of survival, the village at Fort Pond, and the sacred landscape of ceremonial stone structures that are all around us. Sponsored by the Littleton Historical Society Full event details here. |
October 8, 4-6 pm BEDFORD, MA In-person event | The Creator’s Game: The Indigenous Roots of Lacrosse In honor of Indigenous Peoples Day, this program will explore the oldest sport on Turtle Island. Zed Williams (Seneca), the 2020 MVP of the Premier Lacrosse League, and Sakoneseriiosta Brent J. Maracle (Mohawk), who played for the Haudenosaunee Nationals from 1989-1995, will share their perspectives on the physical, cultural, and spiritual significance of lacrosse to Indigenous communities. The event will also feature educational booths and activities, Crafts for Justice, and lacrosse demonstrations. John Glenn Middle School, 99 McMahon Rd., Bedford, MA 01730 Sponsored by Bedford Youth Lacrosse, Bedford Embraces Diversity, and the Parents Diversity Council. Event link coming soon. |
October 8, 12 pmBOSTON, MA In-person event | Boston Indigenous Peoples Day March Help send the message loud and clear that we must honor and acknowledge the Indigenous history of Massachusetts, as well as the continued presence of Indigenous peoples throughout the state. It is time for the MA State Legislature to pass bills to celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day statewide, ban Native mascots, and more!March starts at Park St. MBTA Station by Boston CommonSponsored by Indigenous Peoples Day MA, United American Indians of New England, North American Indian Center of Boston, and Cultural SurvivalEvent link coming soon. |
October 8, 3-5 pmDEDHAM, MA In-person event | Dawnland Film ScreeningA screening of the Emmy award winning film about the Maine Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s investigation of the impact of the removal of Indigenous children from their families and the fight for cultural survival. Dedham Public Library, 43 Church Street, Dedham MA 02026 Full event details here. |
October 8, 2 pm MARBLEHEAD, MA In-person event | Songs and Stories of the Woodlands with Anne Jennison Community members of all ages will enjoy a journey through a series of traditional Northeast Woodlands lesson stories with Abenaki storyteller Anne Jennison. Abbot Hall, 188 Washington St., Marblehead, MA 01945 Sponsored by the Marblehead Cultural CouncilFull event details here. |
October 8, 10-3 pm NEWBURYPORT, MA In-person event | Indigenous Peoples Day Observance This family-friendly event will feature Indigenous music, drumming, song, dance, stories, speakers, artists, children’s activities, and more. Presenters include Paul and Denise Pouliot (Pennacook-Abenaki) Onega Waya (Tsalagi Cherokee), Seth Willey (Cherokee), Red Dawn (Mi’Kmaq), Claudia Fox Tree (Arawak/Yurumein), Chris Newell (Passamaquoddy), Iron River Singers, Hawk Henries (Chaubunagungamaug band of Nipmuc), Mihku Paul (Wolastoq), Lenny and Kelly Novak (Inupiaq) of Lone Wolf Studios Artisans, The Sacred Path Healing Arts, and Divine Paradigm Center and Art by Mariah. Waterfront Park, 35 Merrimac St., Newburyport, MA 01950 Sponsored by the First Religious Society and Imagine StudiosFull event details here. |
October 9, 10 am ARLINGTON, MA In-person and virtual | Indigenous Peoples Day Worship Service with Lorén Spears, Executive Director of the Tomaquag Museum Lorén Spears will discuss spirituality from her Narragansett perspective. She will be offering the sermon, including a prayer in her Indigenous language, song, and words connected to Indigenous ways of knowing. This event is open to the community and can be streamed online at First Parish Unitarian Universalist of Arlington, 630 Mass. Ave., Arlington, MA 02476 |
October 9, 4-5:30 pm BELMONT, MA In-person event | Performance by Eastern Suns Drummers and Dancers Mashpee Wampanoag Nation Eastern Suns share songs as a way to keep traditions alive. As song keepers, they honor the sacredness of sound as healing modality and community-builders. Participants feel the beat of the universal heart through their drumming.Beech Street Center, 266 Beech St., Belmont, MA, 02478Sponsored by Belmont Against Racism, the Beech Street Center, Belmont Human Rights Commission, Belmont Public Library, Black & Brown in Belmont, Arlington Human Rights Commission, Henry Frost Children’s Program, Belmont Religious Council, Community Organized for Solidarity, and Belmont Helps.Event flier here. |
October 9, 11-4 pmPITTSFIELD, MA In-person event | Indigenous Peoples Day CelebrationThis family friendly, outdoor event features emcee Annawon Weeden (Mashpee Wampanoag), Eastern Suns Drum Group of the Mashpee Wampanoag Nation, the Wampanoag Nation Singers and Dancers, Indigenous artisans, and local food trucks. The Common Park, 100 First St., Pittsfield, MA 01201 Sponsored by the Berkshire Community Action Council Full event details here. |
October 9, 11-12 pm STOCKBRIDGE, MA In-person event | Indigenous Peoples Day Workshop at Mohican Miles JoAnn Schedler, a tribal council member of the Stockbridge-Munsee Community, will present a workshop entitled, “A Tribute to Survival: Honoring and Remembering our Ancestors During their Many Trails.” Schedler will share stories of her Mohican ancestors, detailing their sacrifices, determination, and strength. Mission House Museum, 19 Main St., Stockbridge, MA 01263ponsored by the Clark Art Institute Full event details here. |
October 9, 6-7 PM WELLESLEY, MA Virtual event | When the Land Speaks: An Untold History and Living Presence of the Indigenous of Massachusetts Award winning Native American Cultural Educator, Larry Spotted Crow Mann of the Nipmuc Nation will discuss the untold history and continued presence of Indigenous Peoples in what is presently called Massachusetts. Mann will also share his thoughts on why Indigenous Peoples Day should be a national day of remembrance, education, and celebration. Sponsored by the Committee for Indigenous Peoples Day Wellesley and World of Wellesley Full event details here. |
October 10, 7-9 PM ANDOVER, MA In-person | Hot Art with Hopi Artist, Poet, and Educator Ramson Lomatewama Arizona-based Hopi artist Ramson Lomatewama will discuss his work as an award winning glass artist, kachina doll carver, and jewelry maker. He is the first hot glass artist from the Hopi tribe. Ceremonies and cultural activities continue to play a major role in his life. Ramson will share his art, techniques, and poetry, and take questions directly from you! 175 Main St., Andover, MA 01810 Sponsored by Robert S. Peabody Institute of Archaeology Full event details here. |
October 10, 10-5 PM BOSTON, MA In-person | Institute of Contemporary Art Free admission for all. Timed tickets are required and can be reserved starting at 10 am on Sunday, Oct. 9 here. 25 Harbor Shore Drive, Boston, MA 02210 |
October 10, 11-5 PM BOSTON, MA In-person event | Indigenous Peoples Day: Connections to Place at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Explore connections to place and memory through art-making, storytelling, film screenings, and conversation. Collaborators include Elizabeth Solomon (Massachusett Tribe at Ponkapoag), artist Erin Genia (Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate); musician Hawk Henries (Chaubunagungamaug band of Nipmuc), and choreographer Mar Parrilla (Taino Afroborikua). 25 Evans Way, Boston, MA 02115 Full event details here. |
October 10, 10-5 PM BOSTON, MA In-person event | Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Indigenous Peoples Day Open House Free admission, Indigenous music and dance performances, art-making activities, and more. View an exhibit featuring 20th-century Native art from the Southwest or explore a gallery showcasing Indigenous cultural traditions across the US and Canada. 465 Huntington Ave., Boston, MA 02115 Full event details here. |
October 10, 2-4 pm BROOKLINE, MA In-person event | Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration This family friendly event will feature Indigenous speakers, story time with books by Indigeneous authors, Indigenous artisans, and free food from Manoa Poke Shop. Brookline Public Health Building, 11 Pierce St., Brookline, MA 02445Sponsored by the Brookline Indigenous Peoples Celebration Committee and the Brookline Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Relations. Full event details here. |
October 10, 10-11 am CONCORD, MA In-person event | Concord Museum Indigenous Peoples Day Family Program with the Wampanoag Nation Singers and Dancers Experience traditional Eastern Woodlands social songs and dances performed by artists from the tribal nations of Mashpee and Aquinnah. Concord Museum, 53 Cambridge Turnpike, Concord, MA 01742 Register here. |
October 10, 4-5:30 pm EDGARTOWN, MA In-person event | Second Annual Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration Learn from Wôpanâak/Indigenous speakers about why celebrating Indigenous Peoples Day matters. Speakers will address a variety of topics such as historic truths, contemporary impacts of “C” day, honoring Wôpanâak ancestors, and Indigenous peoples’ legacies and futures. This event will also feature drumming and music. Felix Neck, Edgartown, MA 02539 Sponsored by Sassafras Earth Education and the Aquinnah Cultural Center Full event details here. |
October 10, 10 am GRAFTON, MA In-person event | Indigenous Peoples Day Walk in Hassanamesit Woods Join Grafton RISE for a hike and reflection on the rich history of the Hassanamesit woods, an area that holds deep history for the Hassanamisco Band of the Nipmuc Nation. This program was developed in consultation with Hassanamisco leadership. Hassanamesit Woods, 33 Salisbury Street, Grafton, MA Sponsored by Grafton RISE Full event details here. |
October 10, 11-2 pmGREAT BARRINGTON, MA In-person event | Indigenous Peoples Day Ceremonial Walk The procession in Great Barrington begins at the Gazebo behind Town Hall at 11 a.m. with Gordon Williams and his Stockbridge-Munsee Powwow Drum Family, GiiTaa’se Singers, playing their powwow drum. 334 Main St., Great Barrington, MA 01230 Sponsored by Alliance for a Viable Future Full event listing here. |
October 10, 11:30-2 pmMARBLEHEAD, MA In-person event | 4th Annual Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration Shop the marketplace and support the work of local Indigenous artisans. The event features jewelry by Smiling Otter and Little Feather, paintings by Deborah Spears Moorehead, and wood crafts by Chief Otis Chase and Richl Chase. The Nettukkusqk Singers, an all-female group of Wampanoag and Nipmuc singers, will perform at 1 pm. Outdoor and family-friendly.Lee Mansion Garden, 161 Washington St., Marblehead, MA 01945 Sponsored by the Marblehead Indigenous Peoples Day Committee and Marblehead Museum Full event details here. |
October 10, 1-5 pm MEDFORD, MA In-person event | Tufts Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration This event will feature Indigenous speakers, performers, and foods.Tufts University, Olin patio, 180 Packard Ave., Medford, MA 02155 Sponsored by the Indigenous Students Organization at Tufts |
October 10, 11-5 pmNEWTON, MA In-person event | Indigenous Peoples Day Newton Ceremonial Celebration An outdoor, family-oriented celebration of Indigenous culture, art, and history. This Indigenous-organized, annual event will feature music and dancing, cultural presentations, artists, traditional foods, and more. Over 50 Indigenous vendors, artists, and organizations will be represented! Open to all.Albemarle Field, 250 Albemarle Rd., Newton, MA 02460 Sponsored by Indigenous Peoples Day Newton Full event details here. |
October 10, 10-5 pm SALEM, MA In-person event | Peabody Essex Museum Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration Activities for all ages include screenings of Upstander Project films “First Light”, “Dear Georgina”, and “Bounty”; painting workshop with Katharine Hagman (Lumbee); comic book making workshop with Jason Garcia (Santa Clara Pueblo); and an artist talk with Frank Buffalo Hyde (Onondaga). 161 Essex St., Salem, MA 01970 Full event details here. |
October 10, 11-12 pmSTOCKBRIDGE, MA In-person event | Indigenous Peoples Day Workshop at Mohican Miles JoAnn Schedler, a tribal council member of the Stockbridge-Munsee Community, will present a workshop entitled, “A Tribute to Survival: Honoring and Remembering our Ancestors During their Many Trails.” Schedler will share stories of her Mohican ancestors, detailing their sacrifices, determination, and strength. Mission House Museum, 19 Main St., Stockbridge, MA 01263ponsored by the Clark Art Institute Full event details here. |
October 10, 12-2 pmWALTHAM, MA In-person event | Brandeis University Indigenous Peoples Day Observance Jean-Luc Pierite, President of the North American Indian Center of Boston, will discuss Indigenous climate justice followed by an interactive Round Dance. RSVP by Oct. 5. Intercultural Center Patio, Brandeis University, 415 South St., Waltham, MA 02453 Full event details here. |
October 10, 2-5 pmWATERTOWN, MA In-person event | Watertown Celebrates Indigenous Peoples Day This first annual celebration will feature remarks by Elizabeth Solomon (Massachusett Tribe at Ponkapoag) and Mitchel Ray (Eastern Pequot Tribal Nation), a presentation of the New Repertory Theatre play Listen to Sipu, as well as Indigenous musicians, artists, and vendors. Also, in consultation with acclaimed Wampanoag chef Sherry Pocknett, Chef Ivan Conill at Branch Line restaurant will Indigenous menu items as part of Watertown’s Indigenous Food Week from September 30-October 10, 2022. First Parish Watertown, 35 Church St., Watertown, MA 02472 Sponsored by the Pigsgusset Initiative, a working group of Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice, and the Environment; New Repertory Theatre, First Parish Watertown; Watertown Boys and Girls Club; Watertown Community for Black Lives, and WHERE ARE ALL THE BLACK PEOPLE AT Full event details here. |
October 10, 10-NoonWINCHESTER, MA In-person event | Winchester Indigenous Peoples Day Family Celebration Drop in to Wright Locke Farm between 10-noon for this family event featuring a farm tour, crafts, planting activity, storybook readings about Indigenous people and cultures, and more. Wright-Locke Farm, 78 Ridge St., Winchester, MA 01890 Sponsored by the Network for Social Justice, FAN of Winchester, Wright-Locke Farm, and the Arlington Human Rights Commission Full event details here. |
October 13, 7-8 pmSHARON, MA Virtual event | Hard Truths about Indigenous People of the Americas What’s it like to be invisible? What truths are missing from U.S. history? When stereotypes abound, how do we start to unlearn misinformation and develop awareness, appreciation, and understanding of Indigenous People and others? Join educator Claudia Fox Tree (Arawak/Yurumein) as she takes back the narrative and focuses on strategies to challenge bias and make contributions visible. Sponsored by the Sharon Racial Equity Alliance, Sharon Historical Society, and Mass Audubon Full event details here. |
October 13, 7-8 pmTEWKSBURY Virtual event | The Forgotten Nations: Native Tribes of New England Heather Bruegel, a member of the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin and first line descendant Stockbridge Munsee, will share the histories of the Indigenous Nations that called this land home, where they are today, and the thriving communities that are keeping their histories alive. Sponsored by the Tewksbury Friends of the Library and a partnership with Massachusetts Libraries. Full event details here. |
October 16, 11:30-1:30 pmWAKEFIELD, MA In-person event | Turtle Island Art Project In honor of Indigenous Peoples Day, artist Aimee Ledwell (Mashpee Wampanoag) will work with community members of all ages on a large-scale painting project featuring an image of Turtle Island. Materials, information, and stories about Turtle Island from an Indigenous perspective will be available to take home. Sponsored by the Wakefield Human Rights Commission and the Melrose Highlands Congregational ChurchAmerical Civic Center Heritage Room, 467 Main St., Wakefield, MA 01880 Register for this program here. |
October 16, 10-1 pmSWAMPSCOTT, MA In-person event | Swampscott Farmers Market Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration Enjoy an interactive, hands-on demonstration of how to build an authentic Native American shelter with Annawon Weeden (Mashpee Wampanoag) of the First Light Foundation. Open to all ages. Children must be accompanied by an adult. In addition, Ojibwe author James Bird with Copper Dog Books will host a book signing of his debut novel for middle-grade readers entitled The Brave. Note: An exhibit of Indigenous artifacts will be on display from Oct. 16 through November at Swampscott Town Hall. Sponsored by the Town of SwampscottSwampscott Town Hall, 22 Monument Ave., Swampscott, MA 01907 |
Oct. 18, 6:30-8 pm MULTIPLE TOWNS Virtual event | Indigenous Peoples Day Panel: Spirituality, Land Rights & Water ProtectionLearn about Indigenous Spirituality as it relates to water. The discussion will include issues concerning water quality, fishing rights and industrial pollution; as well as land rights and what we can do to contribute to equitable access for all. Panelists: Hiawatha Brown (Narragansett Elder), Liz Santana-Kiser (Nipmuc Elder), Kasike Jorge Estevez (Taino), and Robert Quesada (Mexika/Aztec). Sponsored by public libraries in the following towns: Ashland, Belmont, Clinton, Danvers, West Newbury, Groton, Manchester-by-the-Sea, Maynard, Medway, Brookline, Tewksbury, Topsfield, and Winchester Full event details here. |
Oct. 18, 6:30-8 pm TEWKSBURY, MA Virtual event | Indigenous Peoples Day Panel: Spirituality, Land Rights & Water ProtectionLearn about Indigenous Spirituality as it relates to water; issues concerning water quality, fishing rights and industrial pollution; and land rights and what we can do to contribute to equitable access for all. Panelists: Hiawatha Brown (Narragansett Elder), Liz Santana-Kiser (Nipmuc Elder), Kasike Jorge Estevez (Taino), and Robert Quesada (Mexika/Aztec). Sponsored by theTewksbury Public Library. Full event details here. |
Oct. 23, 1-3 pmGROTON, MA In-person Event | Celebrating Indigenous Peoples DayLorena Novak (Inupiaq) and members of the United Native Cultural Center of Devens, MA, will share the cultures of Inuit, Abanaki, and other Native tribes through educational displays, stories, and drumming performances. $10, children under 6 free Prescott School Community Center, 145 Main St., Groton, MA 01450Sponsored by Prescott Community CenterFull event details here. |