Media can serve as a window to our natural world

From Ose’s emerging collection of media and nature resources….
In honor of Earth Day, I would like to share one fun media resource that among other things offers webcams of wildlife around the world.
EXPLORE: “a multimedia organization that documents leaders around the world who have devoted their lives to extraordinary causes. Both educational and inspirational, explore creates a portal into the soul of humanity by championing the selfless acts of others.
explore’s growing library consists of more than 250 original films and 30,000 photographs from around the world. We showcase our work at film festivals, on over 100 public broadcast and cable channels, and on numerous online destinations including, Snag Films, Hulu and TakePart.
“At explore we are archivists,” explains founder Charles Annenberg Weingarten. “We strive to create films that allow the viewer to join us on our journey as we go on location and experience what unfolds. It’s like the viewers are traveling with the team.”
Charles Annenberg Weingarten, Founder of Explore
These hidden cameras capture a range of wildlife and habitat ranging from water falls of South Africa to Coral Reefs in Hondurus. You can spy on lions, cougars, eagles and more!