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The Board of Directors of Urban Media Arts is proud to announce our Second (now we can call it annual) showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show with Shadow Cast by the Full Body Cast. This event was a success last year, with over 125 people in attendance. Anticipation for this year is already building.

It’s a fundraiser for UMA (Urban Media Arts) which is a non-profit that has been serving Malden for over 30 years. Our goal is to be the community hub of Arts, Culture, Education, Communication and Civic Engagement and we need your support.

Raffles, dancing, music and of course Rocky Horror. Bring your best selves, props and learn the Time warp. We invite you to buy tickets, sponsor, donate, and/or buy advertising for the program.

Tickets $45 in advance until 5/21. $55 after 5/21 and at door.

Sponsor at $500 to $2,500 or any amount o of your own choosing.

Advertise in the program guide at a full, half, or or quarter page size.

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