Citizen Journalism

Do you have a story that should be shared with the Malden community?

Neighborhood View is a web-based Malden news outlet that invites the public to participate in local news coverage and storytelling.

Citizen journalism helps to provide members of the community with a platform to share stories within the Malden community, including those stories neglected by major media corporations.

Neighborhood View editors work with residents seeking to cover local stories, providing training and help with the editing process. Neighborhood View holds virtual editorial meetings regularly to discuss ongoing story coverage and upcoming stories to be covered. No experience is required!

Visit the Neighborhood View website for more information and explore the news archive!


Anne D'Urso-Rose, Director

Anne D’Urso-Rose is the Associate Director of Urban Media Arts and has a degree in Radio, TV, and Film from Northwestern University and a Masters degree in Mass Communication from Emerson College. She initiated Neighborhood View as a way to empower members of the community to write the stories about Malden that matter to them.

Don Stradley, Editor

Don Stradley is an award-winning journalist whose books have been best sellers on Amazon. One of his recent books, The War, was chosen by The Progressive Magazine as a favorite of 2021. Prior to coming to Neighborhood View as editor, his writing had appeared in magazines, news periodicals, and websites, including a year-long stint at  

Do you have a story idea? Are you interested in becoming a citizen journalist?

Let us know if you have any special interests and/or coverage preferences.

If you have an idea for a citizen journalism story, but you do not have the time or bandwidth to cover it yourself, let us know!