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This hour dropin will introduce you to well-respected movie critics Robin and Laura Clifford, hosts and producers of Reeling Reviews, a bi-weekly 30-minute movie review show that has run since 1991, recorded from the Urban Media Arts studio. This program is cablecast throughout Massachusetts and across the country. 

More about Robin and Laura Clifford. 

Their reviews appear on the Rotten Tomatoes website and they are designated Top Critic at the Movie Review Query Engine (MRQE). Robin and Laura are members of the Critics Choice Association and the Online Film Critics Society. Laura is also a member of the Boston Society of Film Critics. In addition:

  • They are a husband and wife team.
  • They have a long standing website that includes past shows, years and years of Top Ten lists and thousands of reviews.
  • Their production team over the years has consisted of members old and new, some crew having been around since the very first show. Reeling and its crew are a social bunch and Robin and Laura enjoy buying a round at the local pub after a shoot.