Urban Media Arts is leading a calendar initiative that will will help us think about Malden as a tourist destination. Above is a mockup landing page that just gives you an idea of how we might be able attract visitors and organize Malden’s great features in an enticing way. The project of creating such a landing page is only an idea at this stage.


Urban Media Arts (UMA) is leading a Community Calendar Initiative to create a comprehensive, up-to-date event calendar that positions Malden as a destination.

The initiative will roll out in phases, with key partners from various sectors—education, business, arts & culture, sports, government, gaming, food, and community—testing and refining the tool. Their feedback will shape the final version before a public launch at City Hall, marked by a ribbon-cutting celebration.

By fostering collaboration and consistent use of a shared event platform, this initiative aims to enhance event visibility, coordination, and engagement, contributing to a more vibrant and thriving Malden.


UMA currently leads the effort, with input from the partners. We are working out a leadership, staffing, and advisory structure and plan to ensure quality implementatoin and sustainability of this calendar initiative. We welcome more partners. Our current partners are:

  • City of Malden
  • Malden Chamber of Commerce
  • Creative Malden

Anyone with a community-oriented event, not (garage sale) can submit an event. Search features make it easy to find events according to different categories, date, organizer, etc. Go to the site, click “Submit an Event”, fill in the fields and submit. The events will not be live immediately. It has to be reviewed and approved. UMA will review and approve new events every weekday morning except holidays.

For further information, become a partner, or to discuss the tool or initiative, email Ose Schwab at

Please share your feedback with us. 


Urban Media Arts is leading a calendar initiative that will will help us think about Malden as a tourist destination. Above is a mockup landing page that just gives you an idea of how we might be able attract visitors and organize Malden’s great features in an enticing way. The project of creating such a landing page is only an idea at this stage.


The calendar is set up for use now, and can be tweaked as needed. All are encouraged to use this and offer feedback as appropriate.


  • Form leadership team structure and working group to outline how the tool will be used by the partners, stakeholders, and general public.
  • The working group will help design a funding plan, to include sponsorship, grants, future subscription and advertizing structure. This plan will help to sustain longevity of the calendar initiative. We received $1,750 from the Malden Cultural Council for 2025.


  • Form working group through meetings, discussions, and a demonstration of the tool and its benefits.
  • Outreach key stakeholders: businesses, organizations, event organizers.
  • Hone and streamline use of the tool and process, especially with input from key groups that generate many events and represent sectors of the community
  • Regular meetings with Partner team
  • All are welcome to use the tool.


  • Work with partner team to organize outreach campaign to all of the Malden community, inviting them to a public and celebratory ribbon cutting at City Hall.
  • Instagram Account for the calendar is created.
Prior to the public launch, a plan for how the initiatie will be led and staffed will be formalized and shared at the launch.

  • This phase will kickoff with a public ribbon cutting event and gathering
  • Everyone will be encouraged to use the tool to submit and find events. 
  • The goal for this phase is: 1) to get everyone using the tool and service; 2) research and establish the longterm technology, operational, and funding options that will ensure sustainability of a Malden Community Calendar system.

This initiative is funded in part by the Malden Cultural Council, a local agency of the Mass Cultural Council.