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Digital Storytelling Workshop!

Discover and document the spirit of our city in Filmbuilding Malden’s multimedia storytelling workshop!

Participants will create multimedia stories with original video, audio, photo, writing, and other content. These stories will also become pieces of a virtual “map” of Malden, as part of an ongoing community mapping project that seeks to capture the city through the eyes of its community members.

Which locations in Malden hold a special meaning, memory or importance to you? Are there places, people, or communities in this city that you would like to represent or share with others? What would you like to discover about the city that you don’t already know?
Filmbuilding Malden and the UMA staff will guide you through story idea development, content creation, and content editing. You can work alone or with other participants. You will have opportunities to collaborate with and inspire each other. At the conclusion of the workshop, your multimedia story will be part of a sharing event, and added to the community mapping project.
The workshop will take place over 4 virtual sessions: Tuesdays, November 1, 8, 15, & 29th at 7pm

Registration required. This workshop is free to Malden community members. Direct inquiries to Anne at anne@umaverse.org.

This workshop is a companion to the larger Filmbuilding Malden program, a series of co-creative filmmaking workshops that explore the identity of Malden, build cross-cultural connections, engage the community in important conversations, and empower community members to envision and create a dynamic future through the arts. For more information, visit the Filmbuilding Malden project page.