The Who is Malden? Film Series includes five original short films that explore the people, places, and stories of Malden co-created by twenty-three members of the community. This series was funded by the City of Malden and the Massachusetts Cultural Council as part of Filmbuilding Malden, a city-wide program that involves an experimental discovery-based filmmaking process.

These films premiered in September and October of 2023 at three different locations in Malden: City Hall, the Senior & Teen Center, and First Parish Malden. After the premieres, they were also screened at the Filmbuilding Malden Finale. Explore below to watch the films and learn more about each event (including discussion recordings!) Check out the bottom of this page for insights and information shared by the filmbuilders and mentors, the event-goers, and many others.

For more details about the Filmbuilding Malden program, please visit the webpage.

The Premieres

The Voices of Malden — Sept. 23, 2023 @ City Hall

feat. films: Footprints of Malden and Green Elephant

This first event of the film series showcased two films that highlight a variety of voices in the Malden community. The event included:

  • Screenings of each film
  • A moderated Q&A with the filmbuilders and the event-goers
  • A music interlude by Christopher Ver Voort (guitar) and Francys Luis-Ravelo (voice)
  • A curated selection of artwork by Rosene Wine, Grace Julian Murthy, and other Gallery @57 artists featuring people and places in Malden
  • A dessert reception sponsored by Hoff’s Bakery and Stop & Shop

Highlights from the Evening

  • The Mayor kicks his shoes off. In reference to a visual motif used in Footprints of Malden, Gary Christensen presented the filmbuilders with his favorite pair of Converse. Two of the filmbulders wore their Converse to the premiere as well!
  • Event-goers get real about housing instability. Green Elephant stirred many event-goers to engage in honest and thoughtful discussion about the rent and housing in Malden. The city reps present were able to answer questions about the services available for residents.

Nature & Wellbeing — Oct. 7, 2023 @ Senior & Teen Center

feat. film: Understory

This event showcased a film that explores the intersection of nature, health, and culture. The event included:

  • As screening of the film
  • A moderated Q&A with the filmbuilders and the event-goers
  • Discounts for a few eateries in the area, in partnership with Malden’s restaurant week
Our favorite highlight from the evening: Mei Hung (Executive Director, Chinese Culture Connection) – one of the interviewees from the film – attended the premiere and joined the filmbuilders on the panel!

Place and Identity — Oct. 14, 2023 @ First Parish Malden

feat. films: What Is, What Was and Malden, A Place to Eat

This event showcased two films that explore how members of our community create and find identity in Malden. The event included:

  • Screenings of each film
  • A moderated Q&A with the filmbuilders and the event-goers
  • A music interlude by Hannibal Rosa (guitar)
  • An appetizer reception with samplings from Bingebowl

Highlights from the Evening

  • A question of place and time. During the discussion portion of the What Is, What Was screening, the filmbuilders were asked about their decisions around which places to in Malden to include in their film. This led to an insightful thread of comments about what makes a location special or not.
  • Event-goers shared treasured memories of Malden cuisine. get real about housing instability. Malden, A Place to Eat gets at the root why food is so important to us. We invited everyone to share a memory around food in the city the answers ranged from funny, sad, and heartfelt.

Who is Malden Finale: Exhibition and Roundtable Discussion
@ Senior/Teen Center

The “Who is Malden Film Series” culminated in a two-hour exhibition and program that will showcase the films, display behind the scenes video and photos, and offer visuals of the basic impacts/statistics of the program. The public enjoyed a museum-style display, with rooms set up to loop the films; photos, maps, and visuals of program statistics; a roundtable discussion; and a collegial atmosphere that allows for informal conversation:

  • 3:00 – Doors Open to exhibition area
  • 3:15 – Films screened at various stations
  • 4:00 – Opening remarks by Mayor Gary Christenson
  • 4:05-5:00pm – Roundtable Discussion
  • 5:00 – Exhibition Closes

Highlights from the Afternoon

  • Reflections about the Filmbuliding Program’s relevance. The roundtable discussion engaged attendees in thoughtful conversation about how to use similar programs to foster better communication across differences, how to incorporate sound in digital story telling, applications of arts and media to help City leaders know their community better, collaboration best practices, and how youth can help adults be more expansive and flexible in exploring and co-creating 
  • Buzz of conversation. Malden, A Place to Eat gets at the root why food is so important to us. We invited everyone to share a memory around food in the city the answers ranged from funny, sad, and heartfelt. 
  • People meeting people. Attendees were able to meet each other and City leaders.


Each film created is intended to spark further conversation, action, and connection in the community. Please add your thoughts, ideas and links in response the film. 

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